

Vineyards require special attention in growing season. Getting the best quality and yield can be challenging if not carefully managed. With Fyllo at your vineyard, you can manage the crop from pre-pruning to harvest in the best possible way. Fyllo has a tailer made solution specially for different varities of grapevine.

Solutions for the grape are:

Vineyard monitoring using device:

Fyllo device installed at your grape orchard monitors your farm 24*7 and captures 12 critical parameters in real time

Fyllo device installed at your grape orchard monitors your farm 24*7 and captures 12 critical parameters in real time
Irrigation management

Grape’s water requirements vary based on soil type and stage. Table grape, vine grapes and raisin varieties all have different water requirements. With Fyllo’s device containing soil moisture and soil temperature sensor and intelligent software, you get alerts on how much water to provide to the crop. You can also see and visualize evapotranspiration (Etc) values of the crop .

Grape’s water requirements vary based on soil type and stage. Table grape, vine grapes and raisin varieties all have different water requirements. With Fyllo’s device containing soil moisture and soil temperature sensor and intelligent software, you get alerts on how much water to provide to the crop. You can also see and visualize evapotranspiration (Etc) values of the crop .
Disease and Pest Management

Grape as a crop is susceptible to various diseases and pests. Major diseases are Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Anthracnose and Botrytis. Pests that can harm the crop include Thrips, Red Spider Mites, Flea beetles , Mealybug, Jassids and Caterpillars. Fyllo provides prediction of these diseases and pests along with preventive plant protection schedule. The disease/pest prediction models are based on stage of the crop and favorable climate. You can also monitor area wise progression of the diseases and pests. Fyllo also tells best time to spray for highest effectivity of plant protection molecules.

Grape as a crop is susceptible to various diseases and pests. Major diseases are Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew, Anthracnose and Botrytis. Pests that can harm the crop include Thrips, Red Spider Mites, Flea beetles , Mealybug, Jassids and Caterpillars. Fyllo provides prediction of these diseases and pests along with preventive plant protection schedule.

                The disease/pest prediction models are based on stage of the crop and favorable climate.
                You can also monitor area wise progression of the diseases and pests. Fyllo also tells best time to spray for highest effectivity of plant protection molecules.
Nutrient Management

Grape crop need fertilizers in form of soil application, fertigation and foliar application. Our dynamic fertilizer schedule takes into account variety, rootstock, stage-wise crop needs and nutrient availability in soil and in petiole. Fyllo nutrient schedule is generated on based of nutrient interactions in the soil and crop by a team of viticulture experts and technologists. Crop yield target is also a factor in the nutrient schedule.

Grape crop need fertilizers in form of soil application, fertigation and foliar application. Our dynamic fertilizer schedule takes into account variety, rootstock, stage-wise crop needs and nutrient availability in soil and in petiole. Fyllo nutrient schedule is generated on based of nutrient interactions in the soil and crop by a team of viticulture experts and technologists. Crop yield target is also a factor in the nutrient schedule.
Climate monitoring and weather prediction

Grape growing is very sensitive to climate. Rainfall in sensitive stage may lead to heavy crop losses. Also, leaf wetness and high humidity cause fungal diseases. With Fyllo’s farm level weather monitoring and predictions for next 2 weeks will hep you plan for the next actions.

Grape growing is very sensitive to climate. Rainfall in sensitive stage may lead to heavy crop losses. Also, leaf wetness and high humidity cause fungal diseases. With Fyllo’s farm level weather monitoring and predictions for next 2 weeks will hep you plan for the next actions.
Harvest time suggestions

Based on growing degree days, Fyllo helps you plan your harvest time in advance.

Based on growing degree days, Fyllo helps you plan your harvest time in advance.
Yield prediction

Fyllo’s yield and quality prediction model will give you insights into upcoming harvest from your farms.

Specific Solutions and support to reach the crop targets

Each farm may have different goals in terms of yield, quality and market requirements. Whether your goal in berry size, shape, brix or yield, Fyllo system helps you achieve your crop goals.

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